Section: Partnerships and Cooperations

Regional Initiatives

CominLabs Project CominWeb

Participants : Vincent Claveau, Sébastien Le Maguer.

Duration: 1 year

Partners: Univ. Nantes

URL: http://www.cominweb.cominlabs.ueb.eu

In the framework of the CominWeb projet, a 50kE contract was granted by the Labex CominLabs to the team to carry a preliminary study about text similarity models in different contexts: information retrieval, content based recommendation, etc.

CominLabs Project Linking Media in Acceptable Hypergraphs (LIMAH)

Participants : Rémi Bois, Sébastien Campion, Vincent Claveau, Guillaume Gravier, Patrick Gros, Pascale Sébillot.

Duration: 4 years, started in April 2014

Partners: Telecom Bretagne (IODE), Univ. Rennes II (CRPCC, PREFics), Univ. Nantes (LINA/TAL)

URL: http://limah.irisa.fr

LIMAH aims at exploring hypergraph structures for multimedia collections, instantiating actual links reflecting particular content-based proximity—similar content, thematic proximity, opinion expressed, answer to a question, etc. Exploiting and developing further techniques targeting pairwise comparison of multimedia contents from an NLP perspective, LIMAH addresses two key issues of content-based graph-oriented multimedia collection structuring: How to automatically build from a collection of documents an hypergraph, i.e., graph combining edges of different natures, which provides exploitable links in selected use cases? How collections with explicit links modify usage of multimedia data in all aspects, from a technology point of view as well as from a user point of view? LIMAH studies hypergraph authoring and acceptability taking a multidisciplinary approach mixing ICT, law, information and communication science as well as cognitive and ergonomy psychology.